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Credit: SWNS / Jonny Carmack$100k in value.Jonny Carmack, 31, bought the three-bedroom home in October 2020 for $256k and knew it would be a "fixer-upper".Jonny...
A man has transformed his old farmhouse into a "Barbie dreamhouse" and added $100k in value.Jonny Carmack, 31, bought the three-bedroom home in October 2020 for...
A designer spent $20k transforming an old farmhouse into a "dollhouse"- adding $100k in value. Jonny Carmack, 31, bought the three-bedroom home in Danbury, Conn...
An unbelievable transformation! 😲 A frail 100-year-old man steps onto the America’s Got Talent stage, but as a bright light flashes, he transforms into a m...